The lactic acid bacteria are the group of different bacterial family that is always correlated with health benefits, milk and milk products and fermentation technology. It is the group of gram positive rods or cocci that synthesizes lactic acid from lactose in milk. It is known to have history of safe use from thousands of years. LAB has a lot of prospective applications in agro-industry and biotechnology such as production of different fermented products from dairy, meat, cereals, fruits, vegetables etc., and in the area of agriculture as feed production, biofertilizers, biocontrol agents and biostimulants. They are of Phylum – Firmicutes, Class – <em>Bacilli</em> and Order <em>Lactobacillales. </em>According to their classification they are similar to one another for different metabolic activity and exclusive purposes. The nomenclature given to different genera and species are changed from what was one year before. Hence all details are discussed here in this chapter.
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Verghese Kurien Institute of Dairy and Food Technology, Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala
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Dr. S. Vignesh
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Dr. V. Eyarkai Nambi
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Mariya Divanshi, S., Aysha, C. H., Aparna Sudhakaran, V., & Beena, A. K. (2023). Prospective Research and Technological Advancements in Food and Health Sciences. In S. Vignesh, Baskaran, N., Nambi, V., Loganthan, M (Ed.), Lactic Acid Bacteria – An Overview: Skyfox Publishing Group.