‘Hidden hunger’ or micronutrient deficiencies have a great impact on the health of global population. Micronutrient deficiencies can be the root cause of major diseases like goiter, mental retardation, cancer, rickets, pellagra, beriberi and diarrhea. Out of all the ways to combat micronutrient deficiencies, food fortification was found to be economic and affordable by the low-income countries. In food fortification, micronutrients are deliberately added to the staple foods with the sole reason of increasing nutritional content of the specified product. Food vehicle is a food commodity which is commonly consumed and is used to deliver particular nutrient to an individual. Microorganisms which are considered to be Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for consumption are incorporated into staple foods, the food vehicle, thereby enriching the staple foods with desired micronutrients. This review focuses particularly on microbial fortification of food and the various techniques involved in production of fortified foods using microbes.
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The authors express their sincere gratitude to National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) – Thanjavur, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, for providing the facilities and DST-SERB-SRG/2021/001005 for funding support to carry out the study.
(#Equally contributed)
National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005,
Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding author. Email: vignesh@iifpt.edu.in
Dr. S. Vignesh
Dr. N. Baskaran
Dr. M. Loganathan
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Diya Dharshini, S., Anandha Keerthy, M., Aarthi, A., Lavanya, M., N. , Baskaran, N., & Vignesh, S. (2023). Emerging Food and Bioscience Research on Human Health: Safety, Security and Sustainable Aspects. In S. Vignesh, Baskaran, N., Loganthan, M (Ed.), Microbial Fortification: Sustainable Tools to Alleviate Malnutrition and Hidden Hunger Challenge: Skyfox Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.22573/spg.023.978-93-90357-85-7/15