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Study on Phenolic content, Antioxidant Activity and CHNS elemental analysis of Amorphophallus sylvaticus

Karthikeyan Ravichandran* • Kumaravel Shanmugam
Published 31-03-2016



Department of Food Safety and Quality Testing (NABL Accredited Laboratory 17025:2005) Indian Institute of crop processing technology, Thanjavur, 613005, Tamil Nadu, India.


Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb) (Araceae) seed acquired with different solvent extraction. The investigation aimed to carry out the Phenolic content, Antioxidant Activity and CHNS elemental analysis of different solvent extracts of the seed Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb) (Araceae). The preliminary analysis revealed the elemental ratio of each of the light elements preserves individual information on the origin and history of organic natural compounds. Therefore, a multi-element ratio analysis is the most efficient means for the origin and authenticity assignment of food. Due to the extraordinary relative abundances of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in some biological material and to the need for individual sample preparations for H and S, their elemental ratio determination currently requires at least three independent procedures and approximately 1 h of work and CHNS elemental analyser it takes of all four elements in one sample within 20 min. The elemental composition was determined by CHNS analyzer and the elemental composition in the sample was the following: carbon (35.62%), hydrogen (7.45%), nitrogen (0.85%) and the sulphur is (0.51%). The analyser is able to combust samples with up to 100mg of organic material, sufficient to analyse samples with even unusual elemental ratios, in one run. The sensitivity of the device for the elemental ratio measurement of C and N corresponds to that of other systems. It is less by a factor of four for Hand by a factor of two for S, and the error ranges are identical to those of other systems.


Received: Feb 2016 / Accepted: Mar 2016/ Published: Mar 2016


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The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Karthikeyan Ravichandran* • Kumaravel Shanmugam (2016): Study on Phenolic content, Antioxidant Activity and CHNS elemental analysis of Amorphophallus sylvaticus. In International Journal of Agricultural and Life sciences 2 (1), pp. 12–17. Available online at 10.9379/sf.ijals-122060-003-0081-x.

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