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Effect of canning on the canning attributes and proximate composition of Bruchid Resistant, Maz-type common bean Lines

Milkesa Feyera1* and Mulugeta Teamir 2
Published 31-03-2024



1Melkassa Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia
2Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia


Screening of bean lines for canning attributes and proximate composition is an important input for the food industry, bean researchers, and other end users. The objective of this study was to evaluate Maz-Lines common beans for their canning quality and proximate composition. Three Maz-type common bean lines were subjected to nine different canning treatments. Canning attributes and proximate composition of those maz-type canned common beans were evaluated using standard official methods. The result showed that maz-type common bean lines and the canning process significantly affected canning attributes. Consequently, the percentage of washed-drained weight ranged from 64.80 to 73.17% and 67.23 to 70.97% due to the effects of different canning treatments and maz-common bean lines, respectively. The result indicated the hydration coefficient varied from 1.03 to 1.05. The degree of clumping, appearance, splitting degree, and starchiness were also determined by the visual rating procedure. The result of those visual ratings of all three Maz-type common beans revealed promising canning quality traits. Good canning quality was obtained in a sample soaked for 40 minutes at ambient temperature, followed by blanching for 40 minutes at 75 degree C. The canning process caused an increase in crude protein, crude fat, total carbohydrate, and energy values in canned beans. However, the moisture and crude fiber contents of canned beans decreased as a result of varied canning treatments. It can be concluded that canning attributes and some proximate composition of the Maz-type common bean line were improved by the canning process.

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Received: 06 Jan 2024/ Revised: 21 Jan 2024/ Accepted: 24 Feb 2024/ Published: 31 Mar 2024


© 2024 Feyera et al., This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Feyera, M., & Teamir, M. (2024). Effect of canning on the canning attributes and proximate composition of Bruchid Resistant, Maz-type common bean Lines. Int J Agric Life Sci, 10(1), 428-433. doi: 10.22573/spg.ijals.024.s122000119

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