Diet Diversity, Emotional Eating Habits and Psychology of Weight Management Among the Adolescents Residing in Twin Cities of Hyderabad

Chapter 3


  • Michael Patricia Department of Nutrition, St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad, India
  • Shivshetty Nagaveni Department of Microbiology/Food Science and Technology, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India


Adolescence, Emotional eating, Diet diversity, micronutrients, BMI


The pandemic had greatly influenced the dietary profiles of adolescents, who are prone to developing unhealthy eating habits. Adolescents have bad dietary practices that increases their likelihood of degenerative diseases namely diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, to name a few among the non-communicable diseases. Objective: To understand diet diversity, nutritional status and eating habits of adolescents by using the FAO based diet diversity questionnaire, after the pandemic. To study the intake of micronutrients, fermented foods (pre and probiotics) with respect to nutritional adequacy among adolescents. To understand the adolescent psychology on body weight, (calculating the BMI) and their consumption processed foods. To understand the psychology of the adolescents while eating different types of foods and diets being followed to lose weight. Method: This is a quantitative observational study; 150 girls aged between 18 – 21 years participated whose BMI was mostly between 18 and 24.  For sampling, purposive method was adopted; information about anthropometry, eating pattern, emotional eating of participants was taken using self-administered questionnaires. Result: greater than 40% of the sample had emotional eating habit, they have a greater tendency to develop obesity. Conclusion: subjects consumed a diverse diet, with an inadequacy of minerals such as selenium, zinc, iron. Emotional eating in our country, is on the rise, which denotes the risk for development of obesity, attention to exercise, creating awareness about healthy eating habits should be adopted.


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How to Cite

Diet Diversity, Emotional Eating Habits and Psychology of Weight Management Among the Adolescents Residing in Twin Cities of Hyderabad: Chapter 3. (2023). International Journal of Agricultural and Life Sciences, 35-46.

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