Role of Active Microorganisms on the Evolution of Paddy
Effective micro-organisms, Paddy, Yield, Soil, Organic matters, NitrogenAbstract
The alternative sustainable agriculture is the growing interest among the scientist and farmers. The resulting bad impacts of chemical fertilizers in agriculture turn everyone’s focus on EM treated practices in food production. There are very less scientific evidences about EM treated agro products in India. Hence in the present study, an attempt is made to prove the active potentiality of the EMs in paddy growth and yield. In this study, pot culture method was carried out. The soil was obtained from Cauvery delta region. The soil quality analysis was carried out which includes pH, N, P, K, Organic carbon, Soil moisture and other essential micronutrients. Among six groups, the EM treated plants yields more as that of chemical fertilizer treated plants and the soil texture also well maintained. We suggest from our results that the EMs with vermi composting brings most efficient result in the cultivation of paddy. This combination may be used for larger agricultural practices.
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