Characterization, treatment and recovery of fish byproduct as a stable bio-fertilizer
biotransformation, fermentation, fish by-products, fertilizer, hydrolyzate, fertilizers and biostimulantsAbstract
National fish production reached in 2013 an amount of 1,245,912 tons. Now the pelagic fish industry generates a significant amount of waste up to 60%. The physicochemical analyses of these fish by-products showed a wealth of organic material including proteins (87.4% dry weight) and minerals (9% dry weight). These components and others are capitalizing to be used for agricultural or agri-food. Biotransformation of biotechnologically in fish products was performed in the laboratory. Fresh fish byproducts were ground and mixed with a carbon-rich source of carbohydrates. The mixture was inoculated with selected fermentation yeast. The fermentation of evolution was controlled by monitoring chemical parameters (pH, dry matter, ash, total nitrogen) and microbiological (FMAT, Enterobacteriaceae: fecal and total Coliforms, yeasts). Then the product thus stabilized at a pH of 3.8 has undergone a second treatment. A hydrolyzate rich in amino acids and trace elements was obtained with excellent hygienic quality after a total elimination of pathogens. Its use will be as factors for fertilizer and soil amendment. We produced three biostimulants necessary for plant growth: Rooting fertilizer, Plant elongation fertilizer and production fertilizer. The application tests on these biofertilizers in the laboratory were performed and have allowed obtaining promising results.
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