Effect of agricultural waste on growth of Abelmoschus esculentus l.
Biofertilizer, Banana stem, Eudrilus eugeniae, A.esculentusAbstract
Vermicompost plays a major role in successful growth and yield of different field crops, vegetables, flowers and fruit crops. The utilization of organic residuals reduces production costs and removes the need for landfill disposal and incineration. Vermicomposting is a suitable alternative for the safe, hygienic and cost effective disposal of urban waste. The present study has been carried out to find the potency of vermicompost using Musa paradisiaca (banana stem) waste and Eudrilus eugeniae earthworm as it effectively decomposes the waste. To analyse the efficiency of vermicompost the physicochemical parameters like pH, EC and the level of macro and micronutrient content namely nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and C/N ratio of vermicompost has been studied. The efficacy of vermicompost has also been checked and studied on the vegetable plant Abelmoschus esculentus L. (ladies finger). The growth parameters namely root length, shoot length, leaf area, number of leaves and Chlorophyll Content has been studied. Hence based on the studies performed it was concluded that vermicompost found from the degradation of Musa paradisiaca (banana stem) waste by Eudrilus eugeniae is an effective biofertilizer which would enable the uptake of the nutrients by the plants resulting in higher growth and yield.
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