Farming Systems Research (FSR) in Nepal: A Review
Farming systems research, technique, agriculture, agro-ecological region, NepalAbstract
Farming systems research (FSR) is important for addressing the aforementioned concerns. FSR uses a comprehensive approach to capture farm family behaviour in reaction to and interacting with its biophysical and socioeconomic settings as a technique. FSR is a method of creating suitable technologies in conjunction with farmers that is classified as action research. The purpose of this study is to introduce the distinctive qualities of Nepalese agriculture as well as the country's FSR evolution. First, clarify the characteristics of the diverse farming systems by agro-ecological region, then examines the constraints and potentials for each region based on previous studies. The second part of the paper deals with research system, tracing the evolution and development of Nepal’s FSR, assessing the achievements. Finally, the paper concludes with identifying the constraints and future agenda for further development of FSR efforts in the country.
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