Participatory On-farm evaluation and Demonstration of Maize with Haricot Bean Inter-Cropping practices in Debub Ari Woreda, South Omo Zone
demonstration, intercropping, land equivalent ratioAbstract
Demonstration of improved maize haricot bean intercropping was conducted with aim of creating farmers’ awareness and popularizing the technology in Zomba and Pilla kebele. Totally, 20 farmers were participated on demonstration of improved maize and haricot bean intercropping practices. On each farmer’s and FTC fields sole maize, sole haricot bean and maize with haricot bean was cropped at recommended spacing on plot size of 10m x 20m area for each of the cropping plot. On-farm training was provided to 64 farmers at both kebeles’ FTCs, and field day was organized at crops maturity stage in both kebeles. Totally 129 farmers and key 16 stakeholders were participated in the event. Farmers’ preferences and crops yield data were collected. Simple descriptive statistics and cost benefit analysis were used to analyze the data. Farmers’ preference evaluation results showed that intercropping of maize with haricot bean was preferred than sole cropping of the crops due to land use efficiency, though the average yields, of sole cropping exceeded the intercropping of both crops. On average 5.99 and 1.86 tons ha-1 of sole maize and haricot bean yield were obtained respectively, whereas, an average yield of 4.89 and 1.46 tones ha-1 were obtain from intercropping of the crops respectively. The intercropping of maize and common bean enhances effective land utilization with LER of more than 58% in both Kebeles. So, the practice of intercropping was recommended for further scale up in the areas with similar agro-ecology.
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