Determination of Opinions and Level of knowledge of Culinary Program Students about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s): Istanbul
Genetically Modified Organisms, Culinary, LabelAbstract
This study is conducted to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behavior of university culinary program students about genetically modified organisms (GMOS). The study is carried out among 214 university students aged (99 female, 115 male). Demographic characteristics of students, their knowledge, attitude and behavior of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are taken into consideration in the data collection process. 10 open-ended questions and an attitude scale questionnaire which consists of 30 questions was applied. The data obtained with the SPSS 20.0 program by using frequency (F), percent (%), t-test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For the question “Have you ever heard of the term GMO?” 32 students (15%) stated that they never heard of the term. Students from the culinary program, replied the question “In your opinion, is GMO beneficial or harmful? ‘’ 95, 8% replied as harmful. According to replies of culinary program 1. and 2. year students there was no significant difference between their answers to the question (p> 0.05). For the question ’’ If it is harmful, why?’’ students stated that GMO causes cancer. The average of female students answer is 3, 40, while the average of male students is 3,42. T test conducted to these averages gives the result of p=0.389 (p> 0.05). The averages of their responses to the items and the number of male and female students have been very close to each other. But there is statistical difference to the reply of 28. Question which is p=0.02 (p<0.05). The analysis demonstrates that students have enough basic knowledge about genetically modified organisms, but it was observed that they experience conceptual confusion. Most of the students believe that GMO technology is harmful, and there are some conceptual mistakes. It was concluded that the concept of the course will increase knowledge and awareness about GMOs in the curriculum topics that will help to eliminate confusion. This study is conducted to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behavior of university culinary program students about genetically modified organisms (GMOS). The study is carried out among 214 university students aged (99 female, 115 male). Demographic characteristics of students, their knowledge, attitude and behavior of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are taken into consideration in the data collection process. 10 open-ended questions and an attitude scale questionnaire which consists of 30 questions was applied. The data obtained with the SPSS 20.0 program by using frequency (F), percent (%), t-test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For the question “Have you ever heard of the term GMO?” 32 students (15%) stated that they never heard of the term. Students from the culinary program, replied the question “In your opinion, is GMO beneficial or harmful? ‘’ 95, 8% replied as harmful. According to replies of culinary program 1. and 2. year students there was no significant difference between their answers to the question (p> 0.05). For the question ’’ If it is harmful, why?’’ students stated that GMO causes cancer. The average of female students answer is 3, 40, while the average of male students is 3,42. T test conducted to these averages gives the result of p=0.389 (p> 0.05). The averages of their responses to the items and the number of male and female students have been very close to each other. But there is statistical difference to the reply of 28. Question which is p=0.02 (p<0.05). The analysis demonstrates that students have enough basic knowledge about genetically modified organisms, but it was observed that they experience conceptual confusion. Most of the students believe that GMO technology is harmful, and there are some conceptual mistakes. It was concluded that the concept of the course will increase knowledge and awareness about GMOs in the curriculum topics that will help to eliminate confusion.
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