Evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Biosurfactant against ESBL producing bacterial isolates
Biosurfactant, B.cereus, emulsification index, ESBL, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ABSAbstract
In this present study, the biosurfactant producing ability of the microorganisms isolated from the soil samples was investigated by blue agar plate, oil spreading test and emulsification index. Among the 15 of them, the best isolate was identified as B.cereus based on microscopic and biochemical analysis. Our aim of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of biosurfactant against ESBL producing P.aeruginosa isolates. Susceptibility tests were performed by the agar well diffusion method. Among the 5 ESBL isolates, 3 of them were inhibited by biosurfactant. The zone of inhibition ranged from 12 mm to 22 mm and MIC was 10mg/ml. This effect is comparable to antibiotics and therefore the future use of this biosurfactant as broad spectrum antibiotics are highly promising.
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