Optimization of Ready-to-Drink Beverage and Ready-to-Reconstitute Mix of Ginger Based Appetizer
Optimization, Response Surface Methodology, appetizer drink, acceptability scoreAbstract
Ginger is well known for its medical property and curd is consumed for its probiotics properties. Using these two ingredients an appetizer drink has been developed and this product is optimized using Response Surface Methodology. It provides 77 kCal per serving of 100ml when the appetizer mixes with cold water. For making dry appetizer fresh curd is replaced by curd powder. The product usually has a shelf life of 6 months in ambient condition. Using the Response surface methodology optimization of this appetizer shows a maximum acidity score of 2.38 % for ginger powder (2g-4g), asafoetida powder (200g -500g), salt (1g-2g) using RSM (Box- benhken method). In a similar study, the acceptability score of the drink is 7.0 to 7.8 using Overall acceptability score.
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