Nutrition Profile on Grape Juice – A Review
Grape juice, antioxidants, flavonoids, poly phenols, resveratrolAbstract
Vitis vinifera (grapes) is a well-known tropical fruit which has been used in India since 1300 AD. Grape juice is well relished by all age groups of the society. It was reported that consumption of grape juice at moderate level helps in prevention of aging related diseases. The aim of this review, a summary of the nutrient content which is available in grape juice and to obtain a further understanding of the reported beneficial health effects of the naturally occurring nutrient content in the grape juice. It has been systematically studied for various biological activities with particular reference to clinical effects. Several other potential beneficial properties in grape juice like flavonoids, polyphenols, antioxidants, anthocyanins, and resveratrol have since been ascertained. We review the potential clinical applications of these fascinating natural substances.
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