Detection of VBNC State Strains within the Biofilm Matrix of SS-304 Coupon Immersed in Meat Waste by PMA-PCR Assay

Chapter 16


  • M Bhavadharani National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu
  • M Lavanya National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu
  • S Nivetha National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu
  • N Baskaran National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu
  • S Vignesh National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur, Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu


Meat waste, SS-304 metal alloy, biofilm forming strains, PMA-PCR assay and VBNC state strains


Foodborne pathogens, when present in food products, can lead to various diseases and pose significant food safety risks. The Salmonella Sp. is a common foodborne pathogen known for its various harmful effects, such as production of endotoxins, enterotoxins and invasiveness. The Viable but Non-Culturable (VBNC) state is a bacterial survival mechanism that occurs under adverse conditions. It poses a considerable challenge to both public health and food safety. The aim of this research is to establish a Propidium Monoazide- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PMA-PCR) technique capable of swiftly and sensitively detecting inducted Salmonella Sp., including its Viable but Non-Culturable (VBNC) pathogens in food samples. However, the efficacy of PMA in food waste sample has not been explored previously. In this study, SS-304 coupons were submerged in meat waste for 7 days and amount of biofilm formation were assessed at 3 and 7days interval and a total of 25 biofilm-forming bacterial strains were isolated and partially identified and the EPS production was also determined for further studies. The results showed that the addition of 1% acetic acid could directly kill Salmonella sp. cells and inhibit the formation of the VBNC state with a nutrition concentration of 25, 50, and 100%. By PMA-PCR method, the number change of cells during VBNC induction was monitored successfully. We assessed the capacity of PMA dye in food waste to identify DNA originating from viable bacteria.


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How to Cite

Detection of VBNC State Strains within the Biofilm Matrix of SS-304 Coupon Immersed in Meat Waste by PMA-PCR Assay: Chapter 16. (2023). International Journal of Agricultural and Life Sciences, 296-310.

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