Technologies Applied on Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables
Chapter 8
Novel technologies, Value addition, fruits and vegetablesAbstract
Among the horticulture crops, fruits and vegetables are the most commonly used commodity. Moreover, it is consumed in different forms, like raw or processed, due to its health- promoting factors and nutrition attributes. Further, due to the increase in population, demand for such commodities is also on the rise, leading to more significant production, resulting in wastage during processing that causes economic, nutritional and environmental problems. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reveals that 60% of the wastage is from fruits and vegetables, among all other food commodities. Furthermore, 25% to 30% of whole fruits or vegetables are processing waste. Fruits and vegetables are categorized under perishable and semi-perishable, where the utilization is limited unless processed. Moreover, some technologies play a significant role in valorizing fruits and vegetables with different processing techniques. The bioactive compounds and their nutritional benefits are made available by processing and preservation methods for utilization on extended shelf life. This chapter will briefly discuss thermal and non-thermal technologies with processing techniques that valorize fruits and vegetables.
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