A Detailed Review of Mangifera indica (Mango): Secondary Metabolites and Important Functional Properties
Mangifera indica L,., Mango, Phenolic compounds, AntioxidantAbstract
Mango is a fruit with nutritive assets and also with known therapeutic uses. This fruit is widely grown in tropical and subtropical countries as a source of food and income for people. As a seasonal fruit of Mango, about 21% of pulps are processed. Pulp Mango processing produces approximately 15,000,000 tons of bio-waste per year in the world. Currently, this byproduct management generates high costs and are a source of environmental contamination. However, the chemical composition of mango seeds could probable their use as a supportable source of high added value phytochemicals. Bioactive secondary metabolites in mango contain phenolic compounds, such as ellagic acid, pentagalloylglucose, gallic acid, methyl gallate and rhamnetin. These compounds have a particular interest in their pharmacologic and biological activities. Additionally, new research should be geared to evaluate activities of models that have not yet been evaluated. Therefore, in this work, we review the whole mango bioactive phytochemicals, looking in detail at their reported functional and biological activities, potential applications, and the technological aspects.
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